
In my free time I like to learn something knew everyday and explore boundaries while continuing developing myself.

format+ online magazine

format + is an online magazine for students at the Schwäbisch Gmünd University of Applied Sciences. I co-founded the magazine in the 2019/20 winter semester and made it accessible to all students at the university. Since then, I have been leading the team and am responsible for the technical administration. In the last few semesters, we have been able to drastically increase the reach and gain many new readers.

Scouts - Federal leader

In 2019 I was elected as a voluntary Deputy Federal Leader of a german scouts group called Deutscher Pfadfinderbund Mosaik.

In this position, I was responsible for looking after our subgroups, organizing a trip for all members of the association and, more recently, for digitizing our work structures.

haddak magazine

I have been a volunteer graphic designer and layouter for the aforementioned association since 2017 and was responsible for the design of the "haddak" print magazine, among other things.

Rethinking a Text Editor Experience

In a short course during my studies, we were given the challenge to redesign and code a micro-interaction of our choice. We decided to rethink a text editor and how to apply styles to a specific text excerpt.